Coming of Age TV and Coming of Age Magazine featured Azalea Trace resident George Goggans, who ran his first half marathon at age 83.

Azalea Trace fitness trainer Maryjo Louck, who ran with him the entire race, was also interviewed. Coming of Age TV, produced by Council on Aging of West Florida, airs on Blab, Cox Cable Channel 4 (Escambia County) and Mediacom Channel 21 (Santa Rosa County) Wednesdays at 4 pm.

You can watch it online here (cue in 18 mins.)

Coming of Age magazine also featured George in a three-page article titled, "Going, Going, Goggans." George reveals what motivates him to run even when you're "not a runner." He also shares how living at Azalea Trace helps him be in the best shape of his life. Read the full article here.