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Corporate Compliance

Acts Retirement-Life Communities, Inc. and its affiliated entities (collectively “Acts”) are committed to being a good corporate citizen and complying with all applicable regulations. Accordingly, Acts has established a Corporate Compliance Program, as directed by the Acts Board of Directors, to help ensure compliance with all pertinent federal, state and local laws, as well as the company’s internal policies and procedures. As part of this program, Acts has established a Compliance Hotline (1-800-720-5296) for use by anyone to report concerns in good faith regarding improper or suspected illegal activity by the company or staff, such as a breach of patient confidentiality, inaccurate billing or policy noncompliance.

In addition to assuring regulatory compliance with all federal, state and local laws, another important issue for the Acts organization is the prevention of fraud. Fraud is defined as deception in order to gain by another’s loss. Fraud has many different forms; in its simplest form, it includes stealing or inappropriate use of Acts’ property. This could be food, equipment, supplies, money, punching another employee’s timecard, or knowingly submitting incorrect information on forms for personal benefit. Again, as part of the Acts Compliance Program, Acts has established the Compliance Hotline (1-800-720-5296) for use by anyone to report concerns regarding any fraudulent activity or suspicion.

We encourage employees to report to their supervisors any situation or actions they believe do not comply with the law or Acts’ internal policies and procedures or violate Acts’ Code of Conduct. The Compliance Hotline may be used by employees who are not comfortable bringing an issue to their supervisor or if they feel an issue previously reported has not been adequately addressed. A call to the Hotline will trigger a specific independent investigation directed by the Compliance and Internal Audit Department, which will verify the concern or violation and determine the appropriate corrective action, if needed.

You may call the Compliance Hotline anonymously and all calls to the Hotline will be handled discreetly. Your concern will be taken seriously and you can feel confident to report a situation or problem without fear of retaliation. Any acts of retaliation related to a compliance call will not be tolerated and will result in progressive discipline, up to and including termination. Likewise, employees found not to be in compliance with company policies or applicable legal requirements or committing fraud will be subject to progressive discipline, up to and including termination.

Additionally, you may call the Compliance and Internal Audit Department directly at 877-224-4310 to express your concerns or ask questions related to the Compliance Program.

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