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                                                ACTS LEGACY FOUNDATION DONORS - CONTINUED
 Mr. & Mrs. William R. Farquharson Jr.
Mrs. Susan B. Fischer
Mr. Sean T. Fletcher
Dr. & Mrs. Sydney S. Forbes Mr. & Mrs. Howard F. Foulke Ms. Ellen K. Frazier
Ms. Rose Fulginiti
Richard & Maureen Galie Jean L. Gdovin
Mrs. Viola W. Geiger
Mr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Genetta Mr. Lois A. Gilbertson
Ms. Marie R. Giles
Paul Gillette
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis A.
Mrs. Kathryn H. Glen
Mr. Jerard Gliner
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Goddard Mr. & Mrs. George C. Godfrey Granite Farms Estates
Residents Association Bruce & Judy Greenawalt
Mr. Ralph A. Greene
Ms. Marion C. Greenlaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Greenstein Mr. Henry G. Gruber Gwynedd Estates
Mr. & Mrs. Gary D. Hall
*Deceased as of December 31, 2020
Mr. John A. Hall
Ms. Valerie S. Hamel
Mrs. Jacqueline S. Harris Chaplain Grant Hasty
Mr. & Mrs. David S. Haus Miriam & Harry Heckler
Ms. Anna E. Helfrich
Ms. Elaine Heredia
Mr. Thomas Herlihy III
Mr. & Mrs. Keith Herndon Mrs. Carol Hill
Ms. Ellen Hoag
Mr. & Mrs. Carl S. Hoffman Dr. & Mrs. John Hoffman Bud & Joann Hoffman
Ms. Renee Hoover
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Horne
Ms. Anna Horsey
Ms. Julie Hostetler
Mrs. Ann L. Houseman
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis L. Hoy
Dr. & Mrs. Harold E. Hunter Mr. & Mrs. Robert Jackiewicz Ms. Patricia Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert Jacobson Mr. Quentin T. Jamieson
Mrs. Anita S. Johnson
Ms. Deborah Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Wendell G.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert P. Johnston Mr. & Mrs. Arthur W. Jones Mr. & Mrs. John W. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Jones Ms. Marlyn Kefauver
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Kennedy Dan A. Knee*
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Knott Mr. & Mrs. Delbert E. Kohl Mr. & Mrs. David Kohn
Betty J. Krone
Mr. & Mrs. Dil Kulathum
Mr. & Mrs. Keng Kung
Mr. & Mrs. William Kussmaul Ms. Susan M. Laino
Mrs. Nancy Lambert
Mrs. Nancy D. Lessard
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Liles
Mr. Stanley V. Longman
Ms. Martha Marie Lovelace Ms. Chris Lowe
Ms. Betty Luttrell
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Maccari Mrs. Louise P. MacKay
Mr. Walter Macklin
Mr. John P. Madigan Jr.
Mr. Walter Mahler
Ms. Carlotta Mannheim
Ms. Joan A. Marino
C. W. & Kitty Marlow
Mr. William H. Marlowe
Ms. Donna J. Marshall
C. Keith Martin
Mr. Michael T. Martin
Mrs. Marilyn G. Marvin
Mrs. Marie G. Marx
John & Christy McCann
Mrs. Ruth W. McCaskill
Mr. & Mrs. Larry McCullough Mr. Curtiss H. McGaffin Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Earl R. McGimpsey Mrs. Arlita H. McGregor
Mrs. Meredith T. McGregor Mrs. Julia Ann P. McKay Ms. Anne B. McKelvey
Ms. Sally McLaughlin
Mrs. Beverly A. McNeely Mr. & Mrs. John McNeil Mrs. Margaret S. McPhillips Ms. Renee J. Meeker
Mr. & Mrs. Walter K. Meierdiercks
Mr. Richard Mersitz & Ms. Rebecca C. Bontempo
Mr. & Mrs. Edmund Milewski Ms. Elfriede Miller
Ms. Katie Miller
Mrs. Judith M. Minster
Mr. Marc Missioreck Mrs. Zella H. Moore
Bayleigh Chase, Buckingham’s Choice, and Fairhaven, MD
The Irl & Ella Beall High School Scholarship Fund was established in 1999. Mr. & Mrs. Beall moved to Fairhaven in 1987 after extensive careers as educators in the Baltimore County School System. They had particular interest and affection for the student employees in Dining Services. The Irl & Ella Beall High School Scholarship Program aims to ensure that high school student dining employees
are provided with opportunities to grow, develop and advance through continued education, and to further inspire current and future students to pursue a college education. As an organization graced by the talents, passion and commitment of our people, we will keep our promise to create every opportunity possible before, during and after the completion
of an education program.
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